Monday, February 11, 2008

Banff Mountain Film Festival Review (XC Cultural Review)

On Sunday, the Tenth of February, the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour held it’s annual showing at the Davis Concert Hall on the campus of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Despite the cold weather the auditorium was full of adventure-minded Fairbanksians eager to get a look at this years films.

It all starts in Banff, Canada, at the Banff Centre. It is there at the Banff Centre, which according to the Banff Centre website is a, “… globally respected arts, cultural, and educational institution and conference facility,” where the Banff Mountain Film Festival takes place. This year marked the thirty-second year running for the festival, and of over three-hundred films entered into the competition, fifty films were screened throughout the week in Banff. The films vary from independent films shot on camcorders to professionally done films with camera crews and professional lighting. The genres of the films vary as well, however they all hold to one overlying theme, and that is Mountain Adventure. Every year there is a book competition and photography competition that coincides with the film festival, and when all of it gets put together, it is referred to as the Mountain Festivals.

Every year, from the winners of the different film categories at the festival in Banff, a number of the films go on tour, and this is what was showing in Fairbanks on the Tenth of February. According to the announcer at the show, the World Tour reached all seven continents this year, and amazingly included two separate showings in Antarctica.

As far as the show in Fairbanks, it was well done and included a multitude of films, all in all lasting about two and a half hours, including the intermission. The films that were viewed ran the gamut from mountain biking to snowkiting, skiing to deep-water soloing, personal looks at climbing and loss to environmental satires. It was a great variety this year and was orchestrated well so that the pace of the films all complemented one another.

The Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour is a highly recommended annual event in Fairbanks, and for those who have never been, it would serve you well to brave the cold next year and attend. The films promise to inspire the young and old alike, and to shed some light on some of the most amazing and beautiful places in the world.

The Banff Centre: Inspiring Creativity. 2007. 11 Feb. 2008.

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